The birth year and birth place are from the Passenger list:

Shared note

The birth year and birth place are from the Passenger list:
«b»Arrival of Robert Smith ( b. 1787) with his family:
«tab»«/b»Arrived in 1834 on the ship Phoenix at «i»Philadelphia, PA«/i»
«tab»Ship passenger list includes the following names:
«tab»Robert Smith«tab»«tab»age 48«tab»«tab»laborer
«tab»Robert Smith«tab»«tab»age 12 (future husband of Mary Ann Bonner)
«tab»Hamilton Smith«tab» age 17«tab»«tab»laborer
«tab»Mary Smith«tab»«tab»age 17«tab»«tab»spinster
«tab»Sarah Smith«tab»«tab»age 15«tab»«tab»spinster
«tab»Jane Smith«tab»«tab»age 40«tab»«tab»spinster
«tab»Eliza smith«tab»«tab»age 9«tab»«tab»child
«tab»Letty Smith«tab»«tab»age 5«tab»«tab»child
the 1860 Federal Census lists a Hamilton Smith, Born abt 1815 in Ireland residing in St. Louis Ward 7 in 1860

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