Vilate inherited her father's talent with words. She was an excellent poet and wrote a book, "So The…

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Vilate inherited her father's talent with words. She was an excellent poet and wrote a book, "So There!" which was full of cute poems for children. Grandma Wanda has the only copy of this book that I know of. She also wrote a poem for t he "This is the Place Monument" which actually was never put on the monument but there was a write-up about it and her in the Deseret News. We have a copy of this paper in our family documents. She wrote the words for the hymn "Upon the Cross of Calvary", which is frequently sung as a sacrament song.
Vilate married George Chambers. Unfortunately he died in a tragic drowning accident. Apparently he and his wife were at a reservoir and he couldn't swim, but he was swinging on a rope that crossed the reservoir. The rope broke, he fell in, and there was no one to help him. Vilate saw her husband drown before her eyes. Efforts to revive him failed when they finally got him back to shore. She remained embittered about this experience for the rest of her life.
Vilate was also the Treasurer of the General Primary Board, but had some misunderstanding over use of Primary funds, and this caused her to distance herself from the Church.
There used to be PioneerDay celebrations in Liberty Park, and Vilate would set up an Indian tent and invite children in and tell them pioneer stories. She would dress up in an indian costume for these events.
About 1930 Vilate entered a contest for "Queen's Taste Macaroni". In 25 words or less she had to tell why she loved the product. According to Wanda "Uncle Henry made a body to go with a china head that Vilate dressed like a queen. They shipped it in a box painted to look like the Queen's Taste Macaroni box. She won a metal radio that was shiny red with gold legs. In other contests she also won a fur coat and a car."

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