Book: A History and Geneology of Gilmore Callison and his Descendants"

Book: A History and Geneology of Gilmore Callison and his Descendants"
Ethel L. Briggs
Pine Grove, West Virginia : E.L. Briggs, c1962 (Provo, Utah : J. Grant Stevenson)

A 1964 supplement (and film thereof) to this c1962 work is available at this library, entitled: A supplement to "A history and genealogy of Gilmore Callison and his descendants" / by Ethel L. Briggs. Pine Grove, W.Va. : E.l. Briggs, 1964. Family History Library: 929.273 C134b supp.

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February 10, 200819:25:39
Author of last change: jeffbaxter
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